Sunday, October 19, 2008


What it means by the phrase 'Thank You'? Does the phrase 'Thank You' has a fix definition?
Thank you is an expression of gratitude or grateful acknowledgment of something received by or done for someone.

Is Thank You really important for you? People don't really cares whether a person says Thanks or not to them after they helped them, but most people will be happy if they helped someone and got a greet from others.

Thank you also may also be spoken in many ways,
-Thank you with a smile-
-Thank you with a loud voice-
-Thank you with their hand on their heart-
-Thank you with an angry face-
-Thank you with a gift-

*But of course Thank you with a smile is the best*

The term 'Thank you' is also shortened nowadays-most of the people will just say Thanks, as it is short and meaningful.

Since the phrase 'thank you' are easily spoken and can make everyone feel that their effort is appreciated by others. Since everybody understand it, why can't we speak it out when it's appropriate-any time when we receive anything in every form from anyone??

Think about it :-)